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Solicitation Details

You can review the detailed information about the solicitation here. If there are any files available to be downloaded they will appear at the bottom of the page.

Olga Valcich
Thursday January 5, 2012 2:45 PM
Tuesday January 31, 2012 2:00 PM
Commodity or Service description:

IFB 11-3669 OV

Manatee County Judicial Center, Hensley Wing Renovations

4th & 5th Floors - 1501 Manatee Avenue West,

Bradenton, FL 34206

File Downloads
6 items found, displaying all items.1
File name Size(bytes) Upload date Reference number
11-3669OV Invitation for Bid Part 2.pdf 37772015 Dec 21, 2011 11-3669OV
11-3669OV Invitation for Bid Part 1.pdf 37246294 Dec 21, 2011 11-3669OV
11-3669OV Addendum 1.pdf 1642423 Jan 18, 2012 11-3669OV
11-3669OV Intent to Award.pdf 411556 Feb 28, 2012 11-3669OV
11-3669OV Addendum 2.pdf 159595 Jan 20, 2012 11-3669OV
11-3669OV Addendum 3.pdf 74024 Jan 25, 2012 11-3669OV
6 items found, displaying all items.1