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Solicitation Details

You can review the detailed information about the solicitation here. If there are any files available to be downloaded they will appear at the bottom of the page.

Olga Valcich
Thursday June 10, 2010 2:00 PM
Thursday July 8, 2010 2:00 PM
Commodity or Service description:


Clearview Manor / Waterline Improvements, Bradenton, Manatee County

Project No. 6072370 6.2

File Downloads
5 items found, displaying all items.1
File name Size(bytes) Upload date Reference number
102061ov - Plans - Clearview Manor.pdf 16989397 May 18, 2010 10-2061OV
102061ov - Clearview Manor - Waterline Improvements.pdf 30255629 May 18, 2010 10-2061OV
102061ov_intent to award.pdf 3332289 Jul 27, 2010 10-2061OV
102061ov_Intent to Award_Revised.pdf 933662 Aug 10, 2010 10-2061OV
102061ov_Addendum #1.pdf 6080459 Jun 17, 2010 10-2061OV
5 items found, displaying all items.1