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Solicitation Details

You can review the detailed information about the solicitation here. If there are any files available to be downloaded they will appear at the bottom of the page.

Christine Pearson

Friday January 15, 2016 4:00 PM
Commodity or Service description:

RFP #16-0696CP

Five Year Strategic Plan for

Manatee County Emergency Medical Services

File Downloads
3 items found, displaying all items.1
File name Size(bytes) Upload date Reference number
16-0696CP Request for Proposal.pdf 747862 Dec 16, 2015 16-0696CP
16-0696CP Notice of Cancellation.pdf 614571 Mar 23, 2016 16-0696CP
16-0696CP Addendum 1.pdf 2272091 Jan 8, 2016 16-0696CP
3 items found, displaying all items.1