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Solicitation Details

You can review the detailed information about the solicitation here. If there are any files available to be downloaded they will appear at the bottom of the page.

Bonnie Sietman
Thursday March 9, 2017 3:00 PM
Wednesday March 29, 2017 10:00 AM
Commodity or Service description:

IFB #17-0439BLS

Master Lift Station 5, Wet Well Rehabilitation

Granger Maintenance and Construction Inc
File Downloads
8 items found, displaying all items.1
File name Size(bytes) Upload date Reference number
17-0439BLS Master Lift Station 5 Rehab Plans.pdf 349139 Feb 23, 2017 17-0439BLS
17-0439BLS Master Lift Station 5 Rehab Contract Documents.pdf 3686266 Feb 23, 2017 17-0439BLS
17-0439BLS Master Lift Station 5 Rehab Construction Agreement.pdf 3217820 Feb 23, 2017 17-0439BLS
17-0439BLS Invitation for Bid.pdf 1538270 Feb 23, 2017 17-0439BLS
17-0439BLS Intent to Award.pdf 1794225 Apr 13, 2017 17-0439BLS
17-0439BLS Addendum 3.pdf 340985 Mar 24, 2017 17-0439BLS
17-0439BLS Addendum 2.pdf 50952 Mar 17, 2017 17-0439BLS
17-0439BLS Addendum 1.pdf 113454 Mar 15, 2017 17-0439BLS
8 items found, displaying all items.1