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Solicitation Details

You can review the detailed information about the solicitation here. If there are any files available to be downloaded they will appear at the bottom of the page.

Donna Stevens
Thursday August 4, 2011 2:30 PM
Wednesday September 7, 2011 3:00 PM
Commodity or Service description:

IFB 11-2127DS

2011 Lift Station Rehab Group 3

Project 402-0019707 6.2

File Downloads
7 items found, displaying all items.1
File name Size(bytes) Upload date Reference number
112127ds IFB Plans.pdf 11978918 Jul 19, 2011 11-2127DS
112127ds Intent to Award.pdf 7273647 Dec 14, 2011 11-2127DS
112127ds Invitation for Bid.pdf 2862447 Jul 19, 2011 11-2127DS
112127ds Addendum 1.pdf 1809094 Aug 19, 2011 11-2127DS
Revised Sht 7-2011 LS Rehab Group 3.pdf 998054 Aug 19, 2011 11-2127DS
Revised Sht 8-2011 LS Rehab Group 3.pdf 845005 Aug 19, 2011 11-2127DS
112127ds Addendum 2.pdf 33620 Aug 23, 2011 11-2127DS
7 items found, displaying all items.1