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Solicitation Details

You can review the detailed information about the solicitation here. If there are any files available to be downloaded they will appear at the bottom of the page.

Abigail Jenkins

Tuesday May 11, 2021 3:00 PM
Commodity or Service description:

RFQ # 21-R076506AJ


(NIGP 925-35)

Professional Services Industries, Inc; Terracon Consultants, Inc; Tierra, Inc; Stantec , Inc
File Downloads
9 items found, displaying all items.1
File name Size(bytes) Upload date Reference number
RFQ 21-R076506AJ Addendum 1.pdf 241357 Apr 27, 2021 21-R076506AJ
21-R076506AJ Revised Notice of Public Meetings.pdf 55997 Jun 9, 2021 21-R076506AJ
21-R076506AJ Request for Qualifications.pdf 2751578 Mar 29, 2021 21-R076506AJ
21-R076506AJ - Notice of Public Meetings.pdf 55649 May 18, 2021 21-R076506AJ
21-R076506AJ - Notice of Intent to Negotiate.pdf 154325 Jul 27, 2021 21-R076506AJ
21-R076506AJ Notice of Intent to Award.pdf 138213 Aug 24, 2021 21-R076506AJ
21-R076506AJ - Notice of Award.pdf 582695 Sep 20, 2021 21-R076506AJ
21-R076506AJ - Addendum 2 .pdf 216188 Apr 28, 2021 21-R076506AJ
21-R076506AJ 2nd Revised Notice of Public Meetings.pdf 380901 Jun 23, 2021 21-R076506AJ
9 items found, displaying all items.1